Big thread code
// big lathe using Probotix controllers and motors. LOW = forward & clockwise
//still trying to figure out whether I need to invert the step signal. Both ways seem to work
//these are the variables to change for the part.
float spiralLen = 30; //length of the spiral on part being cut
float pitch = 2.5; //pitch -- revs per inch on part being cut
int rpm = 15; //tweak as needed for performance
//motor setup
int spindleMotorRevs = 200; //steps on the spindle motor
int feedMotorRevs = 200; //steps on the feed motor
int spindleMSteps = 4; //microstepping for the spindle motor
int feedMSteps = 8; //microstepping for the feed motor
int spindleRev; //actual movement on the machine1
int feedRev;
float spindleGearRatio = 4; //gear ratio for spindle == 4:1 reduction
float feedGearRatio = 1; //gear ratio for feed
float feedStepsPerRev; // feed steps per spindle rev
long spindleLoc = 0;
long feedLoc = 0;
//thread setup
int leadPitch = 13; //pitch on the feedscrew. don't change without changing hardware
float pitchRatio; //ration of the hardware pitch to the part pitch
float motorRatio;
int uSDelay;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // set up Serial library at 9600 bps
pinMode(3, OUTPUT); //feed dir
pinMode(4, OUTPUT); //feed step
pinMode(5, OUTPUT); //spindle dir
pinMode(6, OUTPUT); //spindle step
spindleRev = spindleMotorRevs * spindleMSteps * spindleGearRatio; // calc true spindleRev
feedRev = feedMotorRevs * feedMSteps * feedGearRatio; //calc true feedrev
pitchRatio = leadPitch / pitch;
motorRatio = float(feedRev) / float(spindleRev);
feedStepsPerRev = motorRatio * pitchRatio * spindleRev;
uSDelay = getDelay(rpm, feedRev);
void loop() {
int start = 0; //start command
long i = 0;
long y = 0;
long z;
long h = 1;
int quit = 0;
long lastDisplay;
float spindleAngle;
float feedInches;
float spindleAngleRatio;
float feedInchesRatio;
z = calcLen();
h = 1;
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
start =;
digitalWrite(3, LOW); //LOW IS away from headstock (forward)
digitalWrite(5, HIGH); //HIGH IS clockwise
if(start == 48 + 1) {
while (h <= z) {
y = calcY(i);
h = h + y;
i = i + 1;
digitalWrite(6, LOW);
digitalWrite(6, HIGH);
if(y>0) { // if feed steps > 1, loop through until next feed step
for(int x = 1; x <= y; x++){
digitalWrite(4, LOW);
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
feedLoc = feedLoc + 1;
if(x == y) {
spindleLoc = spindleLoc + 1;
if(spindleLoc >= spindleRev) {
spindleLoc = spindleLoc - spindleRev;
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
quit =;
if(quit == 48 + 2) {
if(lastDisplay + 250 < millis()) {
spindleAngle = getSpindleAngle(spindleLoc);
feedInches = getFeedInches(feedLoc);
lastDisplay = millis();
start = 0;
if(start == 48 + 3) {
feedLoc = zeroFeed(feedLoc);
if(start == 48 + 4) {
spindleLoc = zeroSpindle(spindleLoc);
long calcLen(){
long x;
x = spiralLen * leadPitch * feedRev;
return x;
int calcY(long v){ // calculate feed step
float r;
long m;
long j;
float k;
r = floor(v * feedStepsPerRev / spindleRev);
k = floor((v-1) * feedStepsPerRev / spindleRev);
m = floor(r - k);
return m;
int getDelay(float RPM, float motorSteps) {
float uS = 0;
uS = 1000000/((RPM/60) * motorSteps);
return floor(uS);
float getFeedInches(long loc) {
float m;
float j;
m = feedRev * leadPitch;
j = float(loc) / m;
return j;
float getSpindleAngle(long loc) {
float m;
float j;
if(loc == 0) {
return 0;
m = 360 / float(spindleRev);
j = float(loc) * m;
return j;
long zeroFeed(long loc) {
long i;
if(loc ==0) {
if(loc > 0) {
digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
for(i = loc; i >0; i--){
digitalWrite(4, LOW);
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
else if(loc < 0) {
digitalWrite(3, LOW);
for(i = loc; i < 0; i++){
digitalWrite(4, LOW);
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
return i;
int zeroSpindle(int loc) {
long i;
if(loc == 0) {
digitalWrite(5, LOW);
for(i = loc; i > 0; i--){
digitalWrite(6, LOW);
digitalWrite(6, HIGH);
return i;
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