Here's the last Arduino code I used just prior to pulling the Arduino out and converting the machine to Mach3. This was used to cut the big bolt and nut.
The hilarious thing is all this Arduino code can be replaced by this single line of gcode in Mach3:
"G1 X20 Z-.25 A1800"
// big lathe using Probotix controllers and motors. LOW = forward & clockwise
//these are the variables to change for the part.
float spiralLen = 17; //length of the spiral on part being cut
float pitch = 2.5; //pitch -- revs per inch on part being cut
int rpm = 40; //tweak as needed for performance
//motor setup
int spindleMotorRevs = 200; //steps on the spindle motor
int feedMotorRevs = 200; //steps on the feed motor
int spindleMSteps = 4; //microstepping for the spindle motor
int feedMSteps = 8; //microstepping for the feed motor
int spindleRev; //actual movement on the machine1
int feedRev;
float spindleGearRatio = 4; //gear ratio for spindle == 4:1 reduction
float feedGearRatio = 1; //gear ratio for feed
float feedStepsPerRev; // feed steps per spindle rev
long spindleLoc = 0;
long feedLoc = 0;
//thread setup
int leadPitch = 5; //pitch on the feedscrew. don't change without changing hardware
float pitchRatio; //ration of the hardware pitch to the part pitch
float motorRatio;
int uSDelay;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // set up Serial library at 9600 bps
pinMode(3, OUTPUT); //feed dir
pinMode(4, OUTPUT); //feed step
pinMode(5, OUTPUT); //spindle dir
pinMode(6, OUTPUT); //spindle step
spindleRev = spindleMotorRevs * spindleMSteps * spindleGearRatio; // calc true spindleRev
feedRev = feedMotorRevs * feedMSteps * feedGearRatio; //calc true feedrev
pitchRatio = leadPitch / pitch;
motorRatio = float(feedRev) / float(spindleRev);
feedStepsPerRev = motorRatio * pitchRatio * spindleRev;
uSDelay = getDelay(rpm, feedRev);
//int start = 0; //start command
//long i = 0;
//long y = 0;
// long z;//
//long h = 1;
//long spindleLoc = 0;
//long feedLoc = 0;
//int quit = 0;
//z = calcLen();
void loop() {
int start = 0; //start command
long i = 0;
long y = 0;
long z;
long h = 1;
int quit = 0;
long lastDisplay;
float spindleAngle;
float feedInches;
float spindleAngleRatio;
float feedInchesRatio;
//Serial.print("uSDelay ");
z = calcLen();
h = 1;
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
start =;
digitalWrite(3, LOW); //LOW IS away from headstock (forward)
digitalWrite(5, HIGH); //HIGH IS clockwise
if(start == 48 + 1) {
while (h <= z) {
y = calcY(i);
h = h + y;
i = i + 1;
digitalWrite(6, HIGH);
digitalWrite(6, LOW);
if(y>0) { // if feed steps > 1, loop through until next feed step
for(int x = 1; x <= y; x++){
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(4, LOW);
feedLoc = feedLoc + 1;
if(x == y) { break;}
spindleLoc = spindleLoc + 1;
if(spindleLoc >= spindleRev) {spindleLoc = spindleLoc - spindleRev;}
//spindleAngle = getSpindleAngle(spindleLoc);
if (Serial.available() > 0) {quit =;}
if(quit == 48 + 2) {
if(lastDisplay + 250 < millis()) {
spindleAngle = getSpindleAngle(spindleLoc);
feedInches = getFeedInches(feedLoc);
//Serial.print("Feed: ");
//Serial.print(" in. -- Spindle: ");
lastDisplay = millis();
start = 0;
if(start == 48 + 3) {
if(start == 48 + 4) {
long calcLen(){
long x;
x = spiralLen * leadPitch * feedRev;
return x;
int calcY(long v){ // calculate feed step
float r;
long m;
long j;
float k;
r = floor(v * feedStepsPerRev / spindleRev);
k = floor((v-1) * feedStepsPerRev / spindleRev);
m = floor(r - k);
return m;
int getDelay(float RPM, float motorSteps) {
float uS = 0;
uS = 1000000/((RPM/60) * motorSteps);
return floor(uS);
float getFeedInches(long loc) {
float m;
float j;
m = feedRev * leadPitch;
j = float(loc) / m;
return j;
float getSpindleAngle(long loc) {
float m;
float j;
if(loc == 0) {return 0;}
m = 360 / float(spindleRev);
j = float(loc) * m;
return j;
void zeroFeed(long loc) {
long i;
if(loc ==0) {return;}
if(loc > 0) {
digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
for(i = loc; i >0; i--){
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(4, LOW);
else if(loc < 0) {
digitalWrite(3, LOW);
for(i = loc; i < 0; i++){
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(4, LOW);
void zeroSpindle(int loc) {
long i;
if(loc == 0) {return;}
digitalWrite(5, LOW);
for(i = loc; i > 0; i--){
digitalWrite(6, HIGH);
digitalWrite(6, LOW);
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